adrian zenz background

. Adrian Zenz's signature on the Moyu List is a senior researcher on China issues at the Memorial Foundation for the Victims of Communism. Adrian Zenz - Wikipedia Adrian Zenz From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Adrian Nikolaus Zenz [2] (born 1974) [3] is a German anthropologist known for his studies of the Xinjiang internment camps (also known as "re-education" camps) and Uyghur genocide. A First-Hand Account of Kicking Fentanyl Addiction: Reversing Hebb's Law. Dr Adrian Zenz - the world expert on Xinjiang who is guided by God. The Grayzone, an independent news outlet, published some findings on Zenz: he's a senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, he claims there are "over a million" Uyghurs in China's vocational training centers, and he bases his claims on a single report from Istiqlal TV, a channel that advances a pro-Xinjiang separatist agenda. Astonishing figures of plummeting birthrates and draconian birth control . It was authored by Adrian Zenz, a far-right fundamentalist Christian who opposes homosexuality and gender equality, supports "scriptural spanking" of children, and believes he is "led by God" on a "mission" against China. In this way, Zens possesses a background of American universities. Episodes. Zenz is the man behind the Xinjiang Police Files, new revelations published on Tuesday 24 May by several media, including French newspaper Le Monde. The Newlines Institute . The main sources of funding are the . Adrian Zenz is NOT a sinologist Please change: Adrian Zenz (born 1974) is a German anthropologist and sinologist known for his ArthurYase 21:52, 11 January 2021 (UTC) To: . However, this is not all it seems. They should report on his background that drives him to lie and spread hate against China, the people that pay him to lie and report on shameless U.S. state propaganda mouthpieces . Yet this individual is being used to ferment a global narrative concerning China, with total silence or background information offered on what he actually believes in. A close review of Zenz's research reveals flagrant data abuse and outright falsehoods. After that the BBC notes word went out from the government that files were to have additional encryption. The Trump and Biden administrations used right-wing religious extremist Adrian Zenz for their "genocide" accusation against China, based on flagrant data abuse and falsehoods. . The Trump and Biden administrations have relied on the work of a right-wing religious extremist, Adrian Zenz, for their "genocide" accusation against China. Citing the bill's success, he called for opening a new front against China with a US investigation into . The files only cover the period up to 2018. The wording that Chinese government has adopted compulsory sterilization to Uyghur women in Xinjiang, in the essence, is a baseless fake news which was concocted by US government and some western foundations and scholars with anti-communist background. His background is in Protestant Christianity and far-right anti-Communist ideology. Today, the United States and the western society are accusing Xinjiang of trampling on anti-extremism laws with such a so-called "report" with a strong background of extremism. The foundation was established with the approval of the American Congress in 1993 and has a strong anti-Communist color. TMT, Oct 7, 2019). Adrian Zenz is a German anthropologist known for his research on treatment of Uighurs " an ethnic minority group in China " in Xinjiang. by Gareth Porter and Max Blumenthal Posted on February 22, 2021 February 18, 2021 The Xinjiang Police Files were obtained by researcher Adrian Zenz, who shared the documents with a group of 14 news organizations, including the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Zenz appears no less than 41 times through The Report's 317 notes, most others once or twice. . Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) . [4] He based it on a single report by Istiqlal TV, a Uyghur exile media organization based in Turkey, which was republished by Newsweek Japan. In his December 10, 2019 testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Adrian Zenz took a victory lap of sorts for Congress' passage of the Uyghur Human Rights Act the week before, which placed new sanctions on the Chinese government. Written Testimony for June 10 Senate Hearing Dr. Adrian Zenz 2 2.0 Overview of Published Material Starting in late 2016, Xinjiang's new Party Secretary Chen Quanguo established one of the world's foremost police states in this restive region dominated by Turkic, predominantly Muslim ethnic minorities, notably the Uyghurs. This is because the Grayzone makes a careful effort to criticise Zenz, compiling evidence from his background, education, affiliates AND method (I said this before) so . In the "Genocide Response Coalition", there are a number of anti-China politicians and personalities who have been officially sanctioned by China, such as the British House of Lords Labour Party who, together with German anti-China "scholar" Adrian Zenz (Zheng Guoen), fabricated the so-called Xinjiang-related report to smear China Member Helena Kennedy, and the "President" of this pseudo-court . . . Adrian Zenz, a darling of Western media, told Reuters that his new "research report" found China's policies would cut 2.6 to 4.5 million births of Uygurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang . The source of the files claims to have hacked, downloaded and decrypted them from a number of police computer servers in Xinjiang, before passing them to Dr Adrian Zenz, a scholar at the US-based . 2. . It indicated that the U.S. government's so-called "genocide" accusation against China stemmed from a single source: a paper by German far-right ideologue Adrian Zenz in June 2020. It's a Wonderful, Complex, and Finely-Tuned Universe. As the information produced and released by extreme right-wingers and organizations, the "origin" of the "Adrian Zenz Report" deserves nothing but suspicion. Adrian Zenz. Uncropped wide-angle shots show plenty of background, in this case a police officer in SWAT gear, with his baton at the ready," he . In December 2020, Zenz released his Coercive Labor in Xinjiang in which "the assertion of genocide is concocted through fraudulent statistical manipulation, cherry-picking of . Adrian Zenz, the author of the report, is a Germany scholar hired by The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation an extreme right-wing organization sponsored by the US government. "I do not support China's authoritarian methods in any way, and I do believe there's a God who is bringing judgment in . . Bolar: I'm going to share some background about what we're about to talk about, the Uighur minority in China. On July 20, 2020, the dynamic duo of Olsi Jazexhi and Adrian Zenz were invited to testify in Canada's House of Commons at a hearing of the Subcommittee on International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. China on Thursday accused a scholar and outspoken critic of its policies toward Muslim minorities of fabricating charges that have helped bring sanctions against Chinese officials and companies operating in the Xinjiang region. Zenz is the man behind the Xinjiang Police Files, new revelations published on Tuesday 24 May by several media, including French newspaper Le Monde. Adrian Zenz testifying before Congress on December 10, 2019. . . Like the BBC, an AP report relied entirely on an advance copy of Zenz's paper, but provided no background and whitewashed his right-wing politics or institutional affiliations. an AP report relied entirely on an advance copy of Zenz's paper, but provided no background and whitewashed his right-wing politics or . by Gareth Porter and Max Blumenthal Posted on February 22, 2021 February 18, 2021 In January, the U.S. government determined China's actions in Coercion in Xinjiang's Cotton Fields Dec 16 Op-eds Adrian Zenz Adrian Zenz graduated from the hyper-Christian Columbia International University, headquartered in South Carolina, where teachers can lecture only if they affirm the Second Coming of Jesus. The BBC asked him again, presumably with an increased offer - meaning; more money. The House Always Wins In The Long Run. Adrian Zenz at Victims Of Communism Memorial Foundation, who are doing cutting . Zenz arrived at his estimate "over 1 million" in a dubious manner. Some headshots inadvertently included damning scenes in the background, such as a police officer with a baton in SWAT gear and detainees behind bars, Zenz pointed . Adrian Zenz,the author of the report, is a Germany scholar hired by The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation an extreme right-wing organization sponsored by the US government. it has a Western government background. A . . Aksine, Adrian Zenz'in her raporu, arkasnda duran ABD'nin insan haklar konusundaki ikiyzlln ortaya karmaya yetti. According to his LinkedIn bio, he is a senior . "I do have a diverse background and I have personal connections which I do not believe are inconsistent with my research," Zenz responded to Blumenthal. Uncropped wide-angle shots show plenty of background, in this case a police officer in SWAT gear, with his baton at the ready. The Xinjiang Police Files were obtained by researcher Adrian Zenz, who shared the documents with a group of 14 news organizations, including the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). Doggedly hunting down data in obscure corners of the Chinese internet, Adrian Zenz revealed a security buildup in China's remote Xinjiang region and illuminated the mass detention and policing of. Mass sterilization can now be added to the list of crimes against humanity meted out to Uyghurs of North West China by the CCP. Zenz repeated the . "I do have a diverse background and I have personal connections which I do not believe are inconsistent with my research," Zenz responded to Blumenthal. The camps and prisons have grown since then. Adrian Zenz, the primary source of western media reports on Uyghur "concentration camps", is a German anti-Semite who believes Jews that refuse to convert to Christianity will be "wiped out" and . Happy to be posting our first guest 'blog' post from the esteemed Jerry Grey "Why Does Adrian Zenz Think He's Right?" by Jerry Grey: Many 'people believe that Adrian Zenz is an expert on Xinjiang.However..' An insightful, perspicacious and thoughtful essay giving transparency to one of the main sources of disinformation about China and Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Subscribe to you for supporting my Channel!Buy me a coffee (PayPal): Tip me. Good and Bad Algorithms in the Practice of Medicine. A close review of Zenz's research reveals flagrant data abuse and outright falsehoods. Adrian Zenz accepted, and 'produced' lots of words.. 'World Uyghur Congress'. The Xinjiang Police Files were obtained by researcher Adrian Zenz, who shared the documents with a group of 14 news organizations, including the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. . Adrian Zenz ( 1974) un antropologo tedesco divenuto noto per le sue ricerche sul genocidio culturale degli uiguri e sui campi di rieducazione dello Xinjiang. ABD ynetiminin geen yln sonunda imzalad szde . It is these dark origins of Zenz and his background forces that cast a long shadow over his allegations today. Five lies of Adrian Zenz's report on Xinjiang Infographic: GT . Zenz, born in 1974, is a German. Aslnda Adrian Zenz in'le ilgili yalanlar yaratmak iin nasl aba sarf ederse etsin, dnyay kandrmay bir trl baaramad. A BBC report covering Adrian Zenz's latest "study" on state proscribed Labour in Tibet falsely described him as an "independent researcher" deliberately ignoring his his roles in a number of U.S government funded and hardline anti-China organizations.. Zenz, a Christian fundamentalist, is frequently cited by the mainstream media as the "go to" source on ethnic minority issues on . Zenz is an individual with extremely questionable personal views, even ones which push on legal boundaries in many countries. Images straight from police computers are powerful - especially when they contain so much raw information. On the off chance that you've read a story about Uyghurs in Xinjiang that didn't cite Adrian Zenz or RFA as their source, perhaps they referenced the World Uyghur Congress. The US government's accusation of genocide against China stems from a single source: a June 2020 paper by Adrian Zenz, . A close review of Zenz's research reveals flagrant data abuse and outright falsehoods. The ruling Communist Party's deputy head of propaganda, Xu Guixiang, made the accusations against Adrian Zenz in the latest of a series of news conferences aimed at . Adrian Zenz is a neo-Nazi ethnic German who is in the employ of the US government. Adrian Zenz, a German anthropologist who became known for his research on the cultural genocide of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, received the documents from a source who preferred to remain anonymous . The independence of the two organisations, their background and connections. Adrian Zenz,the author of the report, is a Germany scholar hired by The Victims of Communism . But those including China's state-controlled media who use Zenz's politics to discredit his reports skip over the fact that the source is official Chinese . Clearly, the BBC asked Adrian Zenz to 'find something'. Disconcerting lessons of genocide politics. They would particularly focus on Adrian Zenz, we wrote: "Internationally, these facts were first published by researcher Adrian Zenz, a Christian fundamentalist and right-winger. The Trump and Biden administrations have relied on the work of a right-wing religious extremist, Adrian Zenz, for their "genocide" accusation against China. By Adrian Zenz, a senior fellow in China studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, and Erin Rosenberg, an attorney specializing in international criminal law and reparations. In order to make his background more prestigious, his anti-China masters endorsed him by claiming "this school runs cooperatively with the Columbia International University". Uncropped wide-angle shots show plenty of background, in this case a police officer in SWAT gear, with his baton at the ready," he . In doing so, one of the key figures involved in this effort, described once by the BBC as a "world leading expert" on Xinjiang and "the go to source" is a man named Dr. Adrian Zenz, an apparent German scholar who is a senior follow at the "Victims of Communism memorial foundation" in Washington D.C, an ideological organization funded by congress. There can be no doubt that The Report's documentation is based way more on . Academic research by deception . a female staffer in glasses towers over an older woman who sits in front of a light gray background and stares blankly at the camera. Adrian Zenz, a leading China scholar and senior fellow at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation in Washington, DC, added that the "natural population growth decline, which started in 2016 . [1] membro dei think-tank conservatori The Jamestown Foundation e Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation . "I do have a diverse background and I have personal connections which I do not believe are inconsistent . The documents expose the repressive machinery . They asked him 'if it could be done', and he said, 'No, too difficult, not enough evidence'. Adrian Zenz intervistato dall'emittente pubblica americana Voice of America. The documents expose the repressive machinery . Adrian Zenz is a theologist and self-declared China expert (with an online doctoral degree) who is frequently used by commercially-controlled media as an original source for the claim that 1 million Uyghurs are imprisoned in internment camps in the Chinese Xinjiang province. Five lies of Adrian Zenz's report on Xinjiang By Global TimesPublished: Jan 06, 2021 09:51 AM. So, this is what's happening across the West. US Empire. So this is really a picture of what was happening four years ago. "I do not support China's authoritarian methods in any way, and I do believe there's a God who is . He gives himself a Chinese name as Zheng Guoen. Background history and the West's obsession with Xinjiang. A BBC report covering Adrian Zenz's latest "study" on state proscribed Labour in Tibet falsely described him as an "independent researcher" deliberately ignoring his his roles in a number of U.S government funded and hardline anti-China organizations.. Zenz, a Christian fundamentalist, is frequently cited by the mainstream media as the "go to" source on ethnic minority issues on . Radio Free Asia stated in July 2017 that he "has emerged a leading expert on the mass incarceration of Uyghurs in . Researcher Adrian Zenz documented a massive drop in Uyghur birth rates brought about by the Chinese government's birth suppression policies that not only included involuntary birth control, such . Adrian Zenz (@adrianzenz) May 24, 2022. a look at his background helps explain his ideological motivations, and provides important . Against the background that the population of ethnic Uygurs in Xinjiang is on the rise, I wonder how Adrian Zenz came to the absurd conclusion that the growth rate of Han population is 8 times . "Scholar" Adrian Zenz thus stands out on the anti-China stage. The Trump and Biden administrations have relied on the work of a right-wing religious extremist, Adrian Zenz, for their "genocide" accusation against China. And none other than Adrian Zenz, whose background as a far-right extremist and a data manipulator, guilty of statistical fraud never came into the picture. He used to work for the European School of Culture and Theology and went to China's Xinjiang in 2007 as a visitor.. The US government's accusation of genocide against China stems from a single source: a June 2020 paper by Adrian Zenz, a right-wing German researcher affiliated with the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and neoconservative Jamestown Foundation in Washington, DC. Jordan King Tuesday 24 May 2022 4:03 pm. REPORTS. Above Photo Adrian Zenz, screenshot on Democracy Now!, from Exercising Free Won't in Fentanyl Addiction: Unless You Die First. Adrian Zenz graduated from the hyper-Christian Columbia International University, headquartered in South Carolina, where teachers can lecture only if they affirm the Second Coming of Jesus. It's believed hundreds of thousands of Uyghur Muslims have been detained against their will in China (Picture: Xinjiang Police Files/Dr Adrian Zenz) This . A new study by Adrian Zenz proves that Muslim women in Xinjiang are massively subjected to forced abortion, sterilized, and fitted with IUDs.

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